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Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

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Real Estate and Rental and Leasing businesses in Whitchurch-Stouffville within York Region.
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43.952318 -79.330624 257828 43.952223 -79.329677

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44.014599 -79.382877 159128 44.014543 -79.385019

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43.952045 -79.332027 154617 43.952591 -79.33228

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43.945495 -79.378542 267044 43.945405 -79.379396

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43.971214 -79.246691 125099 43.971367 -79.246757

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43.943115 -79.378221 124976 43.943099 -79.378963

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43.952869 -79.391297 156953 43.95283 -79.390385

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43.952936 -79.385329 124408 43.953852 -79.385731

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43.961269 -79.263492 364757 43.961378 -79.262927

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43.975056 -79.280333 364385 43.974741 -79.280084

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43.970565 -79.249344 180015 43.970775 -79.249436

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43.963942 -79.281287 227482 43.963733 -79.281197

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43.964371 -79.270782 304364 43.964545 -79.269946

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43.962589 -79.267229 374853 43.962001 -79.266644

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43.965509 -79.269405 304367 43.965317 -79.270278

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43.961269 -79.263492 364757 43.961378 -79.262927

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43.988511 -79.308525 178428 43.988317 -79.310148

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43.952936 -79.385329 124408 43.953852 -79.385731

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44.011361 -79.384399 178372 44.011785 -79.385885

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43.952542 -79.389066 249579 43.953067 -79.389283

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44.008888 -79.385496 194327 44.009062 -79.38612

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44.033626 -79.296823 184498 44.033203 -79.29673

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43.971131 -79.246385 125133 43.971422 -79.24651

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43.970214 -79.25115 148218 43.970383 -79.251218

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43.944391 -79.376397 196756 43.945069 -79.376698

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43.954291 -79.32337 163942 43.954548 -79.323476

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44.0083 -79.387207 124963 44.008136 -79.386614

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44.009021 -79.38793 222072 44.009193 -79.388574

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43.963829 -79.262896 328862 43.963653 -79.263776

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43.982812 -79.388305 206302 43.982928 -79.387426

*Information based on 2018 survey of businesses