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6 Loggers Trail, Whitchurch-Stouffville

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General Information for 6 Loggers Trail, Whitchurch-Stouffville
Full Address 6 Loggers Trail, Whitchurch-Stouffville
Ontario, Canada L4A 2L6

35190959 Directions to this address:
Driving - Transit - Cycling - Walking
Location Latitude: 44.040408
Longitude: -79.323593
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Transit Locations
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Nearest transit locations for 6 Loggers Trail, Whitchurch-Stouffville, by type.
Bus Stops Stop #5074
Bus Type: YRT
Located PP of Desjardins Way Stop # 5074
Linear distance from this address: 7.33 km

Stop #7466
Bus Type: YRT
Located SE of First Commerce Dr / Addison Hall Ci
Linear distance from this address: 7.55 km
Emergency Services
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Nearest emergency services from 6 Loggers Trail, Whitchurch-Stouffville, by type
Fire Station 5-2 Ballantrae Station
15400 Highway 48, Whitchurch-Stouffville

Linear distance from this address: 1.96 km
Hospital Southlake Regional Health Centre
596 Davis Drive, Newmarket

Linear distance from this address: 10.5 km
Police Station Admin Building Station
240 Prospect Street, Newmarket

Linear distance from this address: 10.5 km
Public/Catholic Schools
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Nearest schools from 6 Loggers Trail, Whitchurch-Stouffville, by type
Public Elementary School Ballantrae PS
5632 Aurora Road, Whitchurch-Stouffville

Linear distance from this address: 3.13 km
Secondary French Immersion School Newmarket HS
505 Pickering Crescent, Newmarket

Linear distance from this address: 8.86 km
Catholic Elementary School Blessed Chiara Badano

55 Meridian Drive, Whitchurch-Stouffville

Linear distance from this address: 8.41 km
Catholic Secondary School St. Katharine Drexel

55 Meridian Drive, Whitchurch-Stouffville

Linear distance from this address: 8.46 km
Waste Facilities
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Nearest waste facilities for 6 Loggers Trail, Whitchurch-Stouffville, by type.
Garbage Disposal Facility Georgina Waste Transfer Station
23068 Warden Avenue 1 km North of Ravenshoe Road, Georgina

Linear distance from this address: 20.25 km
Garbage Transfer Station Elgin Mills Community Environmental Centre
1124 Elgin Mills East, Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill

Linear distance from this address: 17.16 km
Household Hazardous Waste Depot East Gwillimbury Household Hazardous Waste Depot
225 Garfield Wright Boulevard, East Gwillimbury

Linear distance from this address: 7.23 km
Recycling Depot East Gwillimbury Recycling Depot
225 Garfield Wright Boulevard, East Gwillimbury

Linear distance from this address: 7.23 km