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Addresses on Parkview Crescent, Newmarket

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Addresses on Parkview Crescent, Newmarket, within York Region.
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44.054098 -79.471681 263410 44.054152 -79.471421

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44.054176 -79.471174 163063 44.054127 -79.471411

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44.054176 -79.471174 163063 44.054127 -79.471411

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44.053951 -79.471599 196107 44.054 -79.471361

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44.053728 -79.471519 170268 44.053783 -79.471275

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44.053857 -79.471053 214775 44.053809 -79.471286

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44.053857 -79.471053 214775 44.053809 -79.471286

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44.053435 -79.471753 146655 44.053679 -79.471221

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44.053422 -79.471233 181579 44.053609 -79.47111

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44.053377 -79.470867 184155 44.053595 -79.470935

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44.053899 -79.470832 225556 44.053637 -79.470723

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44.053462 -79.470659 218974 44.053635 -79.470731

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44.053873 -79.4706 164328 44.053681 -79.470519

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44.053537 -79.470458 242964 44.053681 -79.470518

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44.053534 -79.470458 242964 44.053681 -79.470519

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44.053932 -79.470374 198135 44.053732 -79.470288

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44.053496 -79.470178 261644 44.053734 -79.470281

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44.053973 -79.470153 211507 44.053779 -79.470073

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44.053616 -79.470018 167639 44.053776 -79.470084

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44.053684 -79.469801 246843 44.053823 -79.469886

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44.053684 -79.469802 246843 44.053823 -79.469887

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44.054065 -79.469909 170309 44.053889 -79.469728

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44.053747 -79.469561 157512 44.053895 -79.469718

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44.053912 -79.469356 184153 44.054016 -79.469554

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44.054218 -79.469726 148030 44.054139 -79.469459

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44.054218 -79.469726 148030 44.054139 -79.469459

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44.054034 -79.469188 150605 44.054124 -79.469468

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44.054236 -79.469088 143900 44.054272 -79.469408

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44.054388 -79.469671 218973 44.054364 -79.469395

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44.054474 -79.469083 254715 44.0545 -79.469372