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Addresses on Brush , Aurora

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Addresses on Brush , Aurora, within York Region.
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43.976984 -79.443074 296118 43.976984 -79.443074

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43.976836 -79.443093 296119 43.976836 -79.443093

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43.976722 -79.4431 296121 43.976722 -79.4431

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43.976598 -79.4431 296122 43.976598 -79.4431

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43.975834 -79.443467 296078 43.975834 -79.443467

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43.97592 -79.443323 296080 43.97592 -79.443323

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43.976011 -79.443142 296079 43.976011 -79.443142

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43.976117 -79.442894 296084 43.976117 -79.442894

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43.976179 -79.442694 296086 43.976179 -79.442694

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43.976261 -79.442517 296085 43.976261 -79.442517

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43.976422 -79.442132 296090 43.976422 -79.442132

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43.976544 -79.442026 296092 43.976544 -79.442026

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43.976681 -79.441926 296091 43.976681 -79.441926

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43.976942 -79.441822 296098 43.976942 -79.441822

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43.977074 -79.441867 296100 43.977074 -79.441867

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43.977202 -79.441923 296099 43.977202 -79.441923