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  9. 152 Kelso Crescent

152 Kelso Crescent, Vaughan

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General Information for 152 Kelso Crescent, Vaughan
Full Address 152 Kelso Crescent, Vaughan
Ontario, Canada L6A 2K7

35190818 Directions to this address:
Driving - Transit - Cycling - Walking
Location Latitude: 43.853009
Longitude: -79.536126
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Transit Locations
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Nearest transit locations for 152 Kelso Crescent, Vaughan, by type.
Bus Stops Stop #2938
Bus Type: YRT
Located SE of Jane St / Roseheath Dr
Linear distance from this address: 0.1 km

Stop #5823
Bus Type: YRT
Located SW of Grand Valley Blvd / Jane St
Linear distance from this address: 0.14 km
Emergency Services
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Nearest emergency services from 152 Kelso Crescent, Vaughan, by type
Fire Station 7-7 Vaughan Station
40 Eagleview Heights, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 1.54 km
Hospital Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital
3100 Major Mackenzie Drive West, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 0.44 km
Police Station District 4 Station
2700 Rutherford Road, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 2.36 km
Public/Catholic Schools
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Nearest schools from 152 Kelso Crescent, Vaughan, by type
Public Elementary School Michael Cranny ES
155 Melville Avenue, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 0.38 km
Public Secondary School Maple HS
50 Springside Road, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 1.54 km
Catholic Elementary School Divine Mercy
251 Melville Avenue, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 0.69 km
Catholic Secondary School St. Joan of Arc CHS
1 St. Joan of Arc Avenue, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 1.7 km
Waste Facilities
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Nearest waste facilities for 152 Kelso Crescent, Vaughan, by type.
Garbage Disposal Facility Georgina Waste Transfer Station
23068 Warden Avenue 1 km North of Ravenshoe Road, Georgina

Linear distance from this address: 40.75 km
Garbage Transfer Station McCleary Court Community Environmental Centre
130 McCleary Court, Vaughan, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 6.46 km
Household Hazardous Waste Depot McCleary Court Community Environmental Centre
130 McCleary Court, Vaughan, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 6.46 km
Recycling Depot McCleary Court Community Environmental Centre
130 McCleary Court, Vaughan, Vaughan

Linear distance from this address: 6.46 km