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Addresses on Wellington Street, Newmarket

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Addresses on Wellington Street, Newmarket, within York Region.
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44.056436 -79.455237 148963 44.056607 -79.455303

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44.056436 -79.455228 148963 44.056609 -79.455296

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44.05676 -79.455292 207690 44.056621 -79.455238

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44.056773 -79.45519 207690 44.056641 -79.455138

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44.056858 -79.455004 217142 44.056682 -79.454936

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44.056377 -79.454857 170248 44.056674 -79.454973

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44.056516 -79.45469 179619 44.056716 -79.454768

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44.056891 -79.454778 235820 44.056727 -79.454714

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44.056551 -79.454544 160755 44.056746 -79.454624

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44.056906 -79.454605 247869 44.056762 -79.454547

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44.056591 -79.454315 141964 44.056794 -79.454398

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44.056527 -79.4541 167794 44.056831 -79.454224

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44.057037 -79.454199 245615 44.056852 -79.454124

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44.057048 -79.45411 119665 44.056871 -79.454037

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44.057083 -79.453939 143082 44.0569 -79.453876