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Addresses on Loring Doolittle , Aurora

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Addresses on Loring Doolittle , Aurora, within York Region.
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43.997115 -79.478225 213552 43.997115 -79.478225

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43.997132 -79.478155 213552 43.997132 -79.478155

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43.99712 -79.478147 213552 43.99712 -79.478147

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43.9971 -79.478138 213552 43.9971 -79.478138

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43.997081 -79.478123 213552 43.997081 -79.478123

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43.997059 -79.478113 213552 43.997059 -79.478113

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43.997034 -79.478106 213552 43.997034 -79.478106

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43.997014 -79.478098 213552 43.997014 -79.478098

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43.996992 -79.478089 213552 43.996992 -79.478089

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43.996965 -79.47808 213552 43.996965 -79.47808

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43.99694 -79.478075 213552 43.99694 -79.478075

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43.996914 -79.478068 213552 43.996914 -79.478068

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43.996882 -79.478053 213552 43.996882 -79.478053