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Addresses on Knole Haven , Aurora

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Addresses on Knole Haven , Aurora, within York Region.
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43.989103 -79.486474 166650 43.989103 -79.486474

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43.989278 -79.485791 180616 43.989278 -79.485791

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43.988976 -79.486435 230287 43.988976 -79.486435

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43.989147 -79.485742 184727 43.989147 -79.485742

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43.989016 -79.485692 241826 43.989016 -79.485692

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43.988849 -79.48638 173847 43.988849 -79.48638

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43.988885 -79.485642 232249 43.988885 -79.485642

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43.988718 -79.486324 197310 43.988718 -79.486324

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43.988754 -79.485592 124069 43.988754 -79.485592

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43.988607 -79.486232 246544 43.988607 -79.486232

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43.988627 -79.485542 215965 43.988627 -79.485542

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43.988473 -79.486213 157306 43.988473 -79.486213

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43.988487 -79.485489 127567 43.988487 -79.485489

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43.988316 -79.486213 230288 43.988316 -79.486213